Welcome to the Sounds On Vinyl Show, brought to you by BoozeHound Entertainment.
This week we have a Metallica Smash Up, ABBA (kind of), The Beauty of Adieu, Dollar Bin Treasures, Aerosmith, and a Skid Row reunion. We also have music from the Italian band The Wild Throats.
Programming Note: This is the last show for 2022. We’ll be back on Jan. 6th. In the meantime, Keep your eye out for releases of older shows that aren’t yet on YouTube, starting with our infamous “Black Album” episode.
- Extended show notes @ SoundsOnVinyl.com
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hey hey this is the sounds on final show the only show that will make
[phil]:your ears bleed this week we've got ram stein we've got aba kind of we've
[phil]:got metallic again because we can't go a show without talking
[michael_c_svensson] 00:00:14
[phil]:about metallic we've got paul stanley we've got dollar ben we got arrow smith we've
[phil]:got all kinds of fun stuff so we'll be right back to get into it
[phil]:hey my name is phil bowyer and with me as always my brother from another
[phil]:mother professor rock star extraordinary lead singer of the bands that exist in different planes
[phil]:of existence we don't even know where they are or how to get to him
[phil]:or anything about him but mike has been there and he's sung and he's here
[phil]:to tell us all about it mike
[michael_c_svensson] 00:00:54
[phil]:what's going on
[michael_c_svensson] 00:00:58
oh man
[michael_c_svensson] 00:00:59
i mean when i did and when i thought that the introductions couldn't get any
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:03
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:04
i mean well it's me i'm here i mike okay
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:10
i sing between i don't know yes great introduction and thank you
[phil]:you're welcome
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:16
i'm doing well actually it's getting colder in sweden
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:20
which i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:21
think sucks big time
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:23
but it's we're waiting for the snow but i'm living in the southern parts of
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:30
sweden in malmo close to copenhagen
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:33
so hopefully getting my fingers crossed there
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:36
hopefully we we don't get to see any snow anytime soon because
[phil]:i got
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:41
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:41
[phil]:outside that i can send you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:43
oh yeah there's something wrong with you
[phil]:i'll make
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:46
i mean
[phil]:you a little miniature snow man and send it airmail or something yeah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:51
oh man
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:52
that i'm no friend of snow
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:55
i'm no
[michael_c_svensson] 00:01:56
friend of that to fluffy white powder and though no no no no
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:01
but other than that it's it's it's dark
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:05
it's freaking dark in sweden at the moment i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:11
wake up every
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:12
every day six thirty in the morning am and it's dark as in the middle
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:19
of the night and it gets the first
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:22
light you see it's around like eight m and then
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:27
when it's like three o'clock it's almost like pitch dark outside so it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:33
well yeah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:35
we're living in the north
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:36
man no it's not fun at all damn you fucking hell jes
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:42
[phil]:right what
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:43
[phil]:are we kicking
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:43
[phil]:this this this show off with what do we got what do you got for
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:47
yeah well
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:49
as i mentioned before i get a lot of d m at the moment on
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:55
people are asking me questions so i thought that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:02:59
that could be like
[michael_c_svensson] 00:03:00
a cool topic to talk about stuff on our show since we're talking about final
[michael_c_svensson] 00:03:05
records this is the some final if you have
[michael_c_svensson] 00:03:09
missed out so it is so dollar bin tress what what's one of the questions
[michael_c_svensson] 00:03:17
that i do you buy stuff from the dollar bin and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:03:22
for people out there who doesn't really know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:03:26
what that actually means it's when you get into
[michael_c_svensson] 00:03:30
like a flea market or one of those places where you got like i mean
[michael_c_svensson] 00:03:39
oldernary records or they have like crates
[michael_c_svensson] 00:03:42
on the floor
[michael_c_svensson] 00:03:43
some of them have them stuck
[michael_c_svensson] 00:03:45
the way and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:03:46
so for and you pay a dollar for them at a minimum and it
[michael_c_svensson] 00:03:53
could be like
[michael_c_svensson] 00:03:55
everything you can find in there and if you go to one of those like
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:00
flea markets or thrift stores you can really
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:04
be able to find some really
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:06
good stuff so
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:08
yes i do go dollar bin hunting
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:12
every now and then i check every final record
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:16
there is in a record store or thrift store or flee market i'm drawn to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:22
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:22
like that i've
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:23
been doing this since i was a kid so every time go into antique
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:30
shop almost immediately ask the clerk
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:33
order people to work at do you have any final records and i often say
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:37
yes in the back and there was a couple
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:40
of crates and and i'm doing dolben
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:47
hunting when it comes to the records that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:51
have passed me by if you know what i mean i mean we
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:54
grew up on on but i got the full catalogue for iron maiden
[michael_c_svensson] 00:04:59
kiss and and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:01
metallic and and so forth
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:04
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:05
there is bands that that i grew up with that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:09
i didn't buy their albums
[phil]:yeah oh
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:12
where we were
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:14
a bunch of friends back in the day when growing up that we couldn't afford
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:19
to buy all
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:20
the records ourselves
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:22
so so we we took turn and recorded on
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:27
a set type from one another we borrowed the records and so forth
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:31
so nowadays
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:32
when when i go to to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:35
to find some some dollar
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:37
bin thrashes i often go with stuff that oh yeah well that's cool i don't
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:43
have that in my collection
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:46
i wonder that sounds and rather than
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:49
picking up my my phone and going
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:52
into spotify utube or wherever you listen to the music
[michael_c_svensson] 00:05:56
and listen to it i buy the wreck ard because i think it's a lot
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:01
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:02
fun so i can buy like five or six copies at once and it will
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:08
cost me like forty or fifty fifty bucks and if it's not it's not horrible
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:15
i'll keep it but if it's not my cup of t i'll just
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:19
bring it back and say hey you can
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:21
have this back
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:23
free of charge
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:24
because i only paid a dollar i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:26
don't care
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:27
but it's it's so much
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:28
fun to do stuff
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:29
like that and i got a
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:31
question also if i'm an audio file and i stay clear of this now i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:37
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:37
not an audio file i don't know perce what that means for me it's i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:48
really love of seeing people that buy
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:51
expensive highfiyear but i'm not
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:54
that person myself i just want to play my records
[michael_c_svensson] 00:06:59
my collecting
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:01
has to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:02
do with me loving
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:04
music and i have to play the music and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:07
i have to buy
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:09
the record physical i have to sit there doing my all with with
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:14
the cover art and reading
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:16
the liner notes and smelling the vinal it's i know it sounds
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:21
crazy but but
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:22
that's what i do
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:24
so i'm not an audio file when it comes to buying high end high
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:29
high stuff for ship load of money i i have my project turn table
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:35
i have my ground from nineteen seventy eight
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:39
and i have another turn table
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:41
like three of them so but it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:44
it goes around i have a fairly good
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:49
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:50
a turn table but no high and no i mean
[michael_c_svensson] 00:07:54
there's turn tables are around like five or between five and ten thousand dollars and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:01
even fifty thousand dollars
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:03
but that's not me so just to to clear that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:09
out i'm now i don't consider myself an audio file so what the hell did
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:15
i find in the dollar bin treasure
[phil]:yeah what
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:18
[phil]:did you find
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:20
yeah i found one of these
[phil]:m oh
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:24
this is a band it's called the michael canker group and some of you might
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:30
know him that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:32
there is a connection with the scorpions
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:36
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:37
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:37
used to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:40
be a member of scorpions
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:42
way back when
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:44
and then his brother
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:46
rutalchenker he he started to play in in scorpions in of michael but it's and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:54
rudolf still
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:55
with the scorpions today but
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:57
this is this
[phil]:m oh
[michael_c_svensson] 00:08:58
is an album that i it passed me by if you know what i mean
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:06
passed me by
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:07
several times in the record store
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:10
i had a couple of friends of mine
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:12
who owned this album and will listen to it and it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:16
it's just one of those oh i remember this one i remember listening to this
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:21
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:22
back in to day and i thought
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:24
hey that's cool so the first thing i know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:30
i tried to do then i have to check it out so i pull it
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:35
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:37
and check the vital real quick
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:39
flip it over and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:40
see oh there's no particular hair lines or markings on it and it's it's only
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:47
a dollar so why not get it i'll save it from the dollar band
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:53
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:54
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:54
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:54
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:54
home you go to good home yet so this is a cool
[michael_c_svensson] 00:09:58
one this is
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:01
i was released in
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:03
nineteen eighty one
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:04
and this is a swedish pressing pressing of the michael shank group i think
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:10
this is the first one they did
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:12
[phil]:m yeah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:15
if i not mistaking
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:18
i'm sure i am mistaken but but who cares so this
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:21
is what
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:22
i found
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:23
which i think it's really really cool and then
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:26
moving on there's a guy
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:28
here that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:29
perhaps i've heard of
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:34
garry more
[phil]:are more and there you go
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:36
are more yeah always been curious about
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:41
this one because i don't know what the heck is going on here i got
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:45
to like the final e the wild frontier and the other one
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:51
oh i forget i i only bought
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:55
garry more because he was borrow find is back
[michael_c_svensson] 00:10:57
in to day because that's how i knew about
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:00
his name and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:03
the one with rum for carver
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:05
and and what not but this one i don't know there was something about this
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:10
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:12
with them you see the lettering here it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:16
sort of like a russian thing going on here
[phil]:yeah a little bit yeah yeah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:22
[phil]:it is
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:22
yeah and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:23
i don't
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:23
like that i don't like that shed at all and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:26
after the war i don't i don't know but it's it's i can get i'm
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:31
so snobbish when it comes to this
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:34
i think this cover sucks
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:37
i don't know why there is something about
[phil]:once you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:39
[phil]:tell us how you really feel
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:42
yeah i mean look at this there's a baby if you're watching
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:47
he outubethere's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:48
a naked baby on the back i don't know what this is
[phil]:what's the yeah what's what's he trying to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:53
[phil]:go for here
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:55
i don't know now
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:57
and and the
[michael_c_svensson] 00:11:58
world's flags behind it sort like an i don't know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:04
what's going on here
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:07
i don't get it there's no after the war and there's a naked baby on
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:12
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:14
on here so i don't know but i heard
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:18
just a couple of months ago i heard a song from this one and i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:22
thought hey well this is cool this is an
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:25
in decent condition too
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:28
so i bought it just for the heck of it because i always thought that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:34
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:34
cover was well i don't know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:37
well you heard me say it sucks
[phil]:it sucks
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:40
[phil]:it sucks
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:41
it sucks yeah but it's i don't know
[phil]:yeah oh yes
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:49
it's fun to buy stuff that you don't normally listen to that you don't you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:55
didn't pay any attention to it
[phil]:m hm
[michael_c_svensson] 00:12:59
from before but
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:00
do you think that well oh only i mean vinal
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:04
records for
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:05
a dollar i mean
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:06
damn you have to buy it i don't
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:09
know why but but it's it's a decease i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:12
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:12
know and and the last one i'm going to show because
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:19
we would be here like a couple of hours because
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:25
i didn't well
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:27
you have to talk to my wife about this but but it's it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:31
three records when you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:33
find a dollar bin full of records you can
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:38
you can buy under ten d you know i don't know
[phil]:the only way is if
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:44
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:44
[phil]:nothing good in there you know if it's full of
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:47
[phil]:the black album or nervanaor post malone then then i could probably get away with
[phil]:not by but
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:55
[michael_c_svensson] 00:13:55
if you found oh let me before we get into this one so if you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:14:00
found the black album in a decent condition
[michael_c_svensson] 00:14:03
in a dollar ben you wouldn't buy it
[phil]:no oh
[michael_c_svensson] 00:14:08
[michael_c_svensson] 00:14:11
and that's why
[phil]:i would not
[michael_c_svensson] 00:14:14
[phil]:pay money
[michael_c_svensson] 00:14:14
[phil]:i would not pay money for any metallic album post nineteen eight nine
[michael_c_svensson] 00:14:24
oh well you're you're in for i don't know what
[michael_c_svensson] 00:14:30
what we call call it this
[michael_c_svensson] 00:14:35
an education
[phil]:m oh
[michael_c_svensson] 00:14:37
if you know what i mean if
[michael_c_svensson] 00:14:38
you found the original copy
[michael_c_svensson] 00:14:43
for the black album
[michael_c_svensson] 00:14:45
in the dollar being in a decent condition h h you would get around like
[michael_c_svensson] 00:14:55
between forty and sixty dollars for it so
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:00
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:01
could sell
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:01
[phil]:right so if it was like an investment like that where i didn't have to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:05
[phil]:to it or keep it in my collection then yeah if i could turn around
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:08
[phil]:sell it and make thirty bucks then yes then that i would do i would
[phil]:do that with anything that's it's an investment
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:16
you see you see
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:18
there's an investment right here
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:20
i bought this for a dollar look
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:22
at this album caro
[phil]:it sucks
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:24
i told you it sucks yeah but
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:27
maybe i could get like five dollars for it and then i could buy for
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:32
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:33
from the dollar ben who knows
[phil]:there you go
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:36
maybe i'll keep it maybe it's it's a good one i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:38
haven't listened to it yet
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:40
so do you see you have to think outside of the box
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:48
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:48
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:49
yes the last one we were up for is
[phil]:m oh
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:54
zzidompafter burner
[michael_c_svensson] 00:15:59
i'm a huge fan of
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:02
the first album that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:04
sesto released three me gos
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:09
and what not
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:11
i i love that stop this is on the other hand
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:17
the eight is when a little thing called the centercize
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:23
or key board or whatever the hell you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:25
want to call it
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:27
on this is like
[phil]:m oh
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:29
i don't know rough boy can't stop rocking sleeping bag
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:35
[phil]:out that wasn't a great record i think eliminator was there their last
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:40
[phil]:really good record
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:42
[phil]:you know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:43
yeah i don't know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:45
i don't know about this but it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:47
it's there's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:48
so much memory because
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:50
i remember
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:52
a friend of mine when we grow up he only listened to stuff like this
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:57
and we taught him
[michael_c_svensson] 00:16:59
to listen to other metal music
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:02
and i think once he got
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:06
stuck with white snake think i was and then he moved into thin lisa
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:16
because he could see the similarities in the music
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:19
and so
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:20
it flused based this
[phil]:yeah yeah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:23
not this
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:24
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:24
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:25
told him
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:25
not this one but
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:26
but you have their similarities listen to it
[phil]:oh the
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:30
and we
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:30
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:32
[phil]:z z top is there's nothing like it man it's just so awesome
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:35
[phil]:it's just it's great
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:36
so and so we played a couple of the older albums
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:42
with sit up and then he moved into i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:45
became a huge fan of lycian
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:47
and white snake and so forth that was so
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:49
much fun but this one i'll give it a spin if it sucks
[phil]:i'll get a spin
[michael_c_svensson] 00:17:57
[phil]:like a frisby and just chuck it
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:00
finish me you see the vina collector i can hear it
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:07
so that's it
[phil]:that's it that's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:09
[phil]:all you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:09
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:10
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:10
[phil]:there you go
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:12
it wasn't but it will take too
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:15
[phil]:all you're
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:15
[phil]:going to share this time
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:17
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:19
you won't actually know how many records are bout
[phil]:give give us the number
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:24
twenty five
[phil]:twenty five records who
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:27
twenty five records
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:28
[phil]:that's that's quite an addition to the collection right there
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:33
it is
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:34
it is but i don't know if i'm going to keep
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:36
all of them but it's so much fun
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:39
i'm making a day of it at
[phil]:there you go
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:41
going through the crates and smelling the vine o
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:46
i don't know i don't know what that means but but it's well
[phil]:to euphemism
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:50
[phil]:for something we just don't know what
[michael_c_svensson] 00:18:56
it's a euphemism for nuts ll
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:01
tell you that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:02
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:03
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:03
[phil]:that's the title of the show smelling the vinal that's got to be
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:06
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:07
[phil]:name of this show that's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:08
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:08
[phil]:it right there
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:09
smelling the
[phil]:all right
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:11
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:11
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:11
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:12
[phil]:go ahead
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:13
yeah no
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:16
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:16
was saying that yeah i'll shut up now i've been talking too much already
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:24
[phil]:i was just going to say we last week we talked about the new metallic
[phil]:song loxiterna
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:28
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:29
[phil]:how much we
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:30
[phil]:were disappointed in it in it we didn't really care for it
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:34
go check
[phil]:and apparently we're not alone because some dude on you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:37
[phil]:tube took buksattorna stripped the vocals sped it up a little bit and added the
[phil]:vocals from hit the lights to it
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:49
[phil]:and it's a much much much better song
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:53
but mhm
[phil]:it actually kicks ass
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:55
can that hm
[phil]:yeah have
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:58
[phil]:you heard it
[michael_c_svensson] 00:19:59
oh yeah
[phil]:yeah you have
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:02
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:02
i thought it sucked
[phil]:you thought it suck too
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:06
i mean i mean what are we trying to do here i mean okay you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:13
have too much time on your hand you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:17
you sit there
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:18
in front of the
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:20
i mean the editing till for videos and and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:24
what not and then you do a mash up of
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:30
i don't know i don't want hit the lights and and i don't know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:34
what's going on there but but if you're dissatisfied
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:39
why the hell are you keep listening i don't get it if it sucks it
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:43
sucks move along why do you have to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:47
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:48
i remember hit the lights in nineteen eighty three after that mite you sold out
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:54
man and why are you still listening today i mean there is a lot of
[michael_c_svensson] 00:20:59
stuff that metallic has done that i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:01
think sucks ass
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:03
i don't go around talking about it i'm moving
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:06
along i think i mean it's a part of their catalogue that they thought they
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:13
were doing something good at the
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:14
time i didn't think
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:17
that i'm i'm not sure that luxantur nat is a good song or a bad
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:23
song i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:24
just i'm just leaving it alone i don't i much well since the last time
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:31
we talked i've listened to to write lightning and kill them all back to back
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:37
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:39
both on vinals and in my head phones going back
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:42
and forth to work because i'm thinking oh man is is what it's supposed to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:48
be like oh and then i'm satisfied
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:52
i moved
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:52
along because
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:53
i don't think that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:21:55
so i will much rather that luxanturnas sounded like hit the lights
[michael_c_svensson] 00:22:01
i'm not sure about that i'm not sure about
[michael_c_svensson] 00:22:05
james hatfield being being like twenty one years old doing loxanterna this is
[michael_c_svensson] 00:22:14
james hatful almost sixty years old
[michael_c_svensson] 00:22:17
he's evolved into the person he is today
[michael_c_svensson] 00:22:22
so i'm
[michael_c_svensson] 00:22:23
thinking that i mean just leave it at that i think
[michael_c_svensson] 00:22:30
that's my opinion
[phil]:that's a fair point i thought it was interesting because you and i talked about
[phil]:that we don't like the vocals on that that the music
[michael_c_svensson] 00:22:38
[phil]:part was okay but the vote as weren't all that spectacular
[michael_c_svensson] 00:22:42
[phil]:and this guy comes
[michael_c_svensson] 00:22:44
[phil]:out and brings
[michael_c_svensson] 00:22:45
[phil]:in that old school hatfield way of
[michael_c_svensson] 00:22:49
[phil]:singing and i think it made song better would you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:22:53
[phil]:agree that it made the
[michael_c_svensson] 00:22:54
[phil]:song better even though it still sucks
[michael_c_svensson] 00:22:59
well it's james hatfield nineteen
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:01
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:01
three so what's not like
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:04
just sample
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:07
the songs from hit the lights
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:09
that version that i heard
[phil]:right yeah yeah yeah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:12
i mean so
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:13
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:13
and i did kill them all
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:17
and lexinterna has that old school
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:20
thrash that they
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:21
did on kill them all so i get
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:24
that there are similarities
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:26
and that's why i think
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:27
they did the song like that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:30
with with
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:32
the playing and so forth
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:35
so but yeah it's it's there are similarities and i love it
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:41
the lights
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:42
so ut
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:44
[phil]:great song
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:44
i don't yeah it is i love killem
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:49
i think it's a fantastic album
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:53
but it's it's i would much rude listen to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:23:59
well i don't know but it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:01
it's he's having a hard time singing those
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:04
parts today when he
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:06
does hit it's alive
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:09
so well i don't know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:11
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:11
[phil]:he's trying to sing in his new way you know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:15
[phil]:instead of the old way and i think that that's part of
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:17
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:17
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:18
think he can sing in the old way any more
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:20
i don't think
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:21
his voice is there any more because he's twenty one he's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:26
yeah he's all grown up now
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:28
hopefully i don't know i don't but it's yeah i get what
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:34
what he
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:35
tried to do it was fun to watch
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:38
but no
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:40
no it didn't do much for me i much more listen to to hit the
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:45
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:46
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:46
[phil]:what's your take on mash ups in general you know because there's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:24:50
[phil]:there's a couple of guys on youtube that you know they'll take like an as
[phil]:song in a dona summer song mix it together and throw in a little van
[phil]:helen in they're like what do you think of stuff like that where they kind
[phil]:of take this stuff and create like new songs from it
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:06
ah well if people want to listen to it and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:11
they're happy to listen to that that's fine i think it's
[phil]:m but you're
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:16
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:16
[phil]:a fan
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:16
pay i don't pay mon attention to that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:20
if i see it i click on it and i listen for like ten seconds
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:25
and then
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:25
i'm moving along on the other hand that was a
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:28
funny thing that i saw be it was rick astley
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:35
doing that out at eighty song i never
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:38
going to give you up
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:39
i think it's called
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:41
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:44
kiss where his singed paul stanley so it looks like paul stanley is
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:50
singing this song that was funny as hell but
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:53
that's because i'm a kiss fan and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:25:56
i can see i can stand outside of it and say this is funny as
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:01
hell because
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:03
because people are sending this to me like oh look with your kiss thing
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:11
we'll get you on this one and i thought it was funny as hell that's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:15
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:16
only video i watched from beginning to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:19
end when it comes to a mash up
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:24
if people were happy
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:25
listening to mash ups nd doing stuff like that and and and digging through youtubeadand
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:32
enjoying themselves
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:34
what's wrong with that
[phil]:i think
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:35
[phil]:it's kind of fun
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:36
[phil]:i enjoy
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:37
[phil]:some of them i think some of them
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:39
[phil]:are really
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:39
[phil]:well done and it's kind of crazy
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:41
good for you
[phil]:how how you can take two songs
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:45
[phil]:from two different genres and they kind line up in it and it actually works
[phil]:you know for
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:51
[phil]:the most part i think it's kind of it's sort of an art to be
[phil]:able to do that now
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:57
[phil]:so i think it's kind of fun
[michael_c_svensson] 00:26:59
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:00
good for you
[phil]:there you go all right what
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:03
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:03
[phil]:you got
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:03
go yeah
[phil]:what do you got
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:05
oh i er mit i got some are
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:08
smith stephen title he went into rehab
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:12
i think it was like
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:15
couple of months ago
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:16
i don't pay any attention to that to details when it comes to that but
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:21
he's having health issues again
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:23
and they had
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:24
to cancel shows because i saw him my son he's interested in he's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:31
so like me he's all over the place when
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:33
he comes to music he's a mental head but he likes m m
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:37
so we were watching that i think it's the video music awards i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:44
think or was
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:45
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:46
the rock and roll whole of fame i don't i don't remember but
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:50
he had sampled dream on
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:53
so stephen was on stage this is only like
[michael_c_svensson] 00:27:56
a couple of days ago singing with m m the part
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:01
for dreaming and i thought o cool
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:04
he's back because the dude is like seventy four years
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:08
old and still can sing i mean he's doing those high notes fuck
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:13
me he's sort of like deo
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:15
i didn't
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:16
i did
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:17
pay you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:17
[phil]:i got to draw the line with stephen taylor being
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:20
[phil]:like the
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:20
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:21
no no no
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:22
no but he he was there until the end i mean how
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:26
how many singers do you know that still had their voice when there were like
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:31
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:32
in that age i mean do was
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:35
from i mean i don't know how old he was he was was he
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:41
in seventies when he died de
[phil]:yeah m
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:44
i mean to be still
[phil]:no i think
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:45
[phil]:he was
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:45
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:46
[phil]:nine i think he died at sixty
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:47
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:47
nine yeah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:49
but still still be able to deliver
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:52
with that same voice that's fucking insane
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:56
and i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:58
thought that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:28:59
watching stephen it's going to be hurtful to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:03
hear him sing dream on but it wasn't because he could still do the voice
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:09
which i thought was cool and good to see in on the states oh so
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:13
he's back he's at
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:14
rehab and then all
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:16
of a sudden i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:17
read about this they had to council the show because
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:20
they have to go back i don't know what's going
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:23
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:23
[phil]:got some
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:23
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:24
[phil]:yeah they've
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:25
[phil]:canceled a couple shows now in vegas
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:28
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:29
[phil]:yeah that's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:32
it's crazy
[phil]:you know that's the problem these days you know these guys are getting up there
[phil]:an age and they you know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:37
[phil]:it sucks to get old and they can't do it like they
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:41
[phil]:could back in the day
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:44
are we seeing the end of this all the artists that that that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:48
we love and and cherish so much growing
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:51
up because it has to stop at some point
[phil]:yeah i mean
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:57
[phil]:i think
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:58
[phil]:we're seeing
[michael_c_svensson] 00:29:59
[phil]:the the it's the beginning of the end
[michael_c_svensson] 00:30:02
[phil]:and i honestly
[michael_c_svensson] 00:30:03
[phil]:i don't see a lot of bands coming up behind them to take their play
[michael_c_svensson] 00:30:07
[phil]:i don't i don't think there's like and this is just me and you can
[phil]:send all your hate mail to me but i don't think that the we have
[michael_c_svensson] 00:30:16
[phil]:the quality of music that we had back then
[michael_c_svensson] 00:30:22
[phil]:i think
[michael_c_svensson] 00:30:23
[phil]:something happened
[michael_c_svensson] 00:30:24
[phil]:in the nineties and i think it was
[michael_c_svensson] 00:30:27
a cool
[phil]:you could blame streaming for this i don't blame streaming but i blame record labels
[phil]:reaction to streaming for
[michael_c_svensson] 00:30:38
[phil]:i feel like they stopped looking at bands and developing bands there's no artist development
[phil]:any more i don't feel
[michael_c_svensson] 00:30:50
[phil]:you know i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:30:51
[phil]:feel like they're only buying into bands that they feel they can sell it's the
[phil]:same with all entertainment really and i think
[michael_c_svensson] 00:30:59
[phil]:that's a shame and there's just the caliber of music that we had
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:03
[phil]:the sixty seventies and eighties doesn't exist
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:07
[phil]:today oh
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:10
i actually agree with that i mean there is a lot
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:13
of cool artists that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:16
are coming out with new music
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:18
that i enjoy but it's it's like
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:21
you said i cannot see i don't know if we're talking about metal hauled rock
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:29
i don't see
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:30
it i mean
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:32
food fighters or a big band i don't know if they are still
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:35
around who knows but but
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:38
that's an arena band but that's not metal and that that's not hard work per
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:44
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:45
but in that genera i don't see nothing
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:49
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:53
even nearer like arrow smith do
[michael_c_svensson] 00:31:58
[phil]:oh black where's blacks
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:02
[phil]:where is our black sabbath
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:03
[phil]:and our lead zeplans
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:04
[phil]:and doors and the beetles and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:07
[phil]:like where where are they they just don't exist any more and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:11
[phil]:it's sad
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:12
[phil]:and once these guys are gone they're gone and if
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:15
[phil]:we're being honest like a lot
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:17
[phil]:of these guys they're not really putting out new music a lot
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:21
[phil]:of these guys you know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:23
[phil]:this is blasphemy but even paul
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:26
[phil]:mc cartney can't really
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:27
[phil]:cut it so much any more these days
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:29
[phil]:when you listen to him alive it's almost cringe worthy to listen to some of
[phil]:the these artists these days and it's sad it's sad for guys
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:42
[phil]:like us you know at our age you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:43
[phil]:know where we we're
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:44
[phil]:seeing all these guys all these bands sort of wither away and go away
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:50
[phil]:and there's nothing
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:51
[phil]:left in um what are you going to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:54
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:55
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:55
[michael_c_svensson] 00:32:55
know oh i don't know i don't know we'll helped to wait and see
[michael_c_svensson] 00:33:00
i don't
[michael_c_svensson] 00:33:01
it's crazy
[phil]:yeah i just wish that the record labels would step up and actually start developing
[phil]:some bands and bring it into the next generation of metallic and sabbath and zeppelin
[phil]:and that i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:33:12
[phil]:don't know i feel like what what they did inadvertently is is like if you're
[phil]:in a band you're you want to make a living at that and so you
[phil]:got to do a certain kun music so you'll get picked up or the hope
[phil]:to get picked up
[michael_c_svensson] 00:33:27
[phil]:and i respect a lot of bands that kind of say fuck that and do
[phil]:that anyway and they grandreserva is
[michael_c_svensson] 00:33:36
[phil]:it great example of that you guys have been around for a while you guys
[phil]:are a great band you get you kind of said fuck it
[michael_c_svensson] 00:33:43
[phil]:you're going to do your own thing and unfortunately you're not a household name like
[phil]:you should be and that that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:33:53
[phil]:kind of upsets me and i feel like you know there's a lot of bands
[phil]:like we've played them on our show there's good bands
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:00
[phil]:out there they just
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:01
oh yeah
[phil]:they need they need something to help i don't know i don't know bring
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:08
[phil]:him into the
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:09
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:09
[phil]:bring them up
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:10
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:10
[phil]:whatever like yeah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:12
okay it's sort of like a controlled environment when it comes to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:19
music because there is always people trying to control the market and i think record
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:26
labels nowadays
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:28
they're not as serious as that were
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:31
in in the eighties where they knew that they could develop a band and t
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:37
guess shans take a risk
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:39
on a couple of young dudes coming out of wherever their garage
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:44
and just cranking it nowadays it's sort of like what's the next streaming thing that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:52
we can make tons of money on and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:56
then you go with
[michael_c_svensson] 00:34:57
singles and you try to take a product and make it do something
[michael_c_svensson] 00:35:04
i don't know i don't know what what what that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:35:06
is any more but but it's it's sad it's sad
[michael_c_svensson] 00:35:09
it's really sad
[phil]:yeah i mean albums are going away i mean how finals getting this research ence
[phil]:but is that all for not because bands are going to be releasing albums anymore
[michael_c_svensson] 00:35:20
no i know
[phil]:you know it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:35:21
it's crazy
[phil]:like it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:35:22
yeah it's nuts
[michael_c_svensson] 00:35:24
it's nuts
[phil]:it's too bad it's really too
[michael_c_svensson] 00:35:27
[phil]:bad but speaking of talent and going all in and kicking some ass are you
[phil]:a ram stein fan
[michael_c_svensson] 00:35:39
oh h am i a ram stein fan
[phil]:the question of the century are you a ram
[michael_c_svensson] 00:35:46
[phil]:stein fan
[michael_c_svensson] 00:35:48
i don't dislike them i think they're pretty cool i think that the whole concept
[michael_c_svensson] 00:35:55
that they're doing is is pretty far out if you know what i mean the
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:01
music i'm i'm torn in half because there is a lot of stuff that i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:10
think it's really great and there is a ton of
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:13
stuff i think sucks at uh
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:17
and and i i just don't get it so
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:23
maybe i'm
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:24
not the person to to say
[phil]:so you're not really a fan but you're not going to rush to the radio
[phil]:to turn it off if or
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:32
[phil]:change the chan all
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:33
[phil]:if they
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:33
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:33
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:34
i have a couple of albums with them because i bought them in in huge
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:40
collections i try to listen to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:42
them they don't do
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:45
anything for me it's sort of like
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:49
i admire them like like i do with mary
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:51
manson because i get what he's trying to do i really get it his
[michael_c_svensson] 00:36:57
attitude and the state show and what not that's the same with ram stein i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:03
get what they are doing with the flame
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:05
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:06
and ship blowing up all the time and that evil stuff that they i mean
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:12
people have called them
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:14
nazis because of their image and they sing in german and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:19
and so forth and and they they don't address it because they grow up right
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:26
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:28
i mean in the early sixties when
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:32
germany was dive videt into countries east
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:37
and west and they most
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:39
of them grew up in the in the east and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:42
had a horrible operanging when it comes
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:45
to do not be able to to have
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:47
food under a table and so far really poor
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:50
so for people to go out and say that they are noses because they sing
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:55
in germany i mean
[michael_c_svensson] 00:37:57
do you need a history listen for crying out loud but
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:01
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:02
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:03
yeah so i get
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:04
everything that they're doing i really love
[phil]:oh yeah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:10
all energy and i watched
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:12
the video for for the one that that you what the funks called ado
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:20
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:22
it's fuck
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:23
it's it's a tiny movie
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:25
in itself
[phil]:hm hm
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:28
it's crazy it's not for me no
[phil]:m m
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:33
music did
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:35
[phil]:that that song is that one
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:37
[phil]:of their best songs i don't think but i think
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:40
[phil]:what the one thing i love about ram stein is and you kind of pointed
[phil]:out they said fuckitwere doing it and we're singing in german that's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:49
[phil]:what we're going to do we're gonna
[michael_c_svensson] 00:38:50
[phil]:and you know they actually ended up making you know i don't want to call
[phil]:him a household name but you know pretty much a lot of people know the
[phil]:band ram stein right
[michael_c_svensson] 00:39:00
[michael_c_svensson] 00:39:01
[phil]:and you know they i don't know what the fuck the budget for that video
[phil]:was but
[michael_c_svensson] 00:39:07
[michael_c_svensson] 00:39:07
[phil]:had to be huge i mean
[michael_c_svensson] 00:39:09
[michael_c_svensson] 00:39:10
[phil]:they're doing something right that they can afford to a movie like that and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:39:14
oh yeah
[phil]:until linda and he's uh i've never really seen an in i have seen an
[phil]:interview with him but i couldn't understand anything he said because it was all in
[michael_c_svensson] 00:39:24
[phil]:but you know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:39:26
[phil]:he seems like he's an interesting dude and he just doesn't
[michael_c_svensson] 00:39:29
oh yeah
[phil]:give a funk and he just does what
[michael_c_svensson] 00:39:31
[phil]:he wants i mean if he look at his solo stuff he does videos
[michael_c_svensson] 00:39:34
[phil]:with their border and corn some of them are not afraid
[michael_c_svensson] 00:39:39
[phil]:to do gore and nudity and everything else like these guys they have a vision
[phil]:and they execute it and like it or not that's that's what they're putting and
[phil]:there they don't
[michael_c_svensson] 00:39:49
[phil]:really they don't care and i think they're doing some really good stuff again i'm
[phil]:like you i wouldn't call myself a huge fan i think their last record was
[phil]:was pretty decent um
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:04
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:04
oh me too
[phil]:i mean it's some of the stuff they sing about too like if you like
[phil]:for me i go and translate the lyrics and stuff and it's like some heavy
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:12
[phil]:ship and dark ship like you're saying living
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:14
oh yeah
[phil]:in in east
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:15
[phil]:germany like it wasn't a good time and they sing about
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:19
[phil]:that and i think there's a lot of people i don't take the time to
[phil]:understand the music so they call them not season in this and that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:25
[phil]:and instead of just
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:26
[phil]:not listening but yeah i mean i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:31
[phil]:did want to call i'm out because i think
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:34
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:34
[phil]:know there's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:35
that's a good thing oh
[phil]:there's a lot of talent there with
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:40
oh yeah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:41
oh my god
[phil]:the visuals and all their videos they're
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:44
[phil]:like they're all story that they're not just the band getting up and playing you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:48
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:48
[phil]:a lot
[michael_c_svensson] 00:40:48
[phil]:of the metal bands do these days you know it's really some some time and
[phil]:they you know again i don't know how long it took them to write that
[phil]:or film it but it's it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:01
[phil]:it's if you haven't the there'll be links in the description even if you're not
[phil]:a ram stein fan you can just put it on mute and just watch it
[phil]:and it's just
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:09
[phil]:it's spectacular it's shot
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:10
and watch
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:11
i mean the yeah all of their their videos from the past years i mean
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:17
i mean it's it's fucking
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:19
epic to still watch them
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:21
i think their attitude is punk rock because they
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:25
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:26
give a funk like punk rockers zoo i mean don't they don't give a funk
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:30
they do whatever they want and that's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:34
that hard for me to explain to people that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:37
say well this and that sucks
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:42
with without
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:44
taking in the big picture because i dig what they're
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:47
doing they don't
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:49
give a fuck they sing in german they do this massive shows i mean they
[michael_c_svensson] 00:41:54
were in gothenburg in sweden and one of the big bigger rarin with sixty
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:00
five thousand seats
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:02
four sold out shows
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:04
four fucking
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:05
sold out shows sixty five thousand seats g that's respect i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:12
[phil]:yeah yes
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:15
so so would that being said go check out ram stein it's a cool band
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:21
and like you say i feel
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:22
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:23
if you don't
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:24
like the music and just watch it it's it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:28
oh so it's great it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:30
great to watch them
[phil]:it's really beautiful it really is so
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:33
it is
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:34
yeah cool
[phil]:all right
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:36
yeah and speaking of i don't know we talked about this before i should have
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:41
mentioned it in in the same instant but
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:45
sebastian bach oh m
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:51
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:51
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:52
[phil]:a thing is he
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:53
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:53
[phil]:a thing
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:54
[michael_c_svensson] 00:42:56
he got a question about the reunion i mean we got a swedish dude
[michael_c_svensson] 00:43:01
singing in skid row this i mean his name is eric grand
[michael_c_svensson] 00:43:07
ball he's a great dude
[michael_c_svensson] 00:43:10
young kid i mean he like in his thirties he's singing his heart out skid
[michael_c_svensson] 00:43:17
row was one of his
[michael_c_svensson] 00:43:19
like all time favor fan's grown up and now it's the singer of that and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:43:24
i just had cancer and beat that and they call them up and say hey
[michael_c_svensson] 00:43:31
you want to be
[michael_c_svensson] 00:43:31
in the new thing of skid row on and so it is and sebastian got
[michael_c_svensson] 00:43:37
a question
[michael_c_svensson] 00:43:39
a couple of days
[michael_c_svensson] 00:43:40
ago about the reunion because everybody wants to know is there we're going to be
[michael_c_svensson] 00:43:44
a reunion and i've heard all the members of skid row today saying saying well
[michael_c_svensson] 00:43:51
right there s a reason that we
[michael_c_svensson] 00:43:55
parted was back when we did
[michael_c_svensson] 00:43:58
so sebastian said ah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:01
there was a lot of texting says and a little
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:07
talking but there needs to be more talking and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:13
dave snakes out
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:14
saba who is he
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:18
got back and they wanted a quote from him and he said well we tried
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:24
back in two thousand and sixteen
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:28
lightly we dip our toes into water and realized that it didn't feel so good
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:33
i am really really happy where i am right now snake continued so i don't
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:39
know i think that that a bastion
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:42
he sometimes i think he starts this rumors by himself
[phil]:i wouldn't
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:48
i just
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:49
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:49
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:49
don't know
[phil]:it i wouldn't doubt
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:50
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:51
know so
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:52
i mean
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:55
he's outer
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:59
i don't know what
[michael_c_svensson] 00:44:59
to say about that but that's in the news today so i thought i'd
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:03
[phil]:mean we
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:04
it up
[phil]:we we don't need skid roll let alone a skid row
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:06
[phil]:reunion i mean
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:08
no no i don't know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:11
but it's i mean watching skid row today that it's more exciting since like the
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:19
first album they're released i mean hearing eric sing with them i mean
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:24
his he's a proud swede
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:27
and he does his his voice
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:29
is oh man i spectacular he has
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:33
his own utube channel where
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:35
he sings deo and his things
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:37
of the good stuff and he pours his heart out and it's and i take
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:44
my head out for this guy because he's fucking insane
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:48
but kid roll not so much
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:53
[phil]:we could do without
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:55
[phil]:it we
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:55
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:55
[phil]:need to get row
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:56
no we don't need
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:58
[phil]:we don't need that we don't need that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:45:59
[michael_c_svensson] 00:46:01
you got anything else
[phil]:well do what is something that we i don't know if we need this or
[phil]:not but how about
[michael_c_svensson] 00:46:07
[phil]:a metal trip to alba
[michael_c_svensson] 00:46:11
[phil]:we need
[michael_c_svensson] 00:46:11
[michael_c_svensson] 00:46:11
tribute to be well i don't know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:46:15
i'm not contribute
[michael_c_svensson] 00:46:21
but it's when if it's done properly if it's i don't know
[phil]:well there's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:46:29
[michael_c_svensson] 00:46:29
us about it
[phil]:this this band called what bean down or something like that hey did this
[michael_c_svensson] 00:46:35
all right
[phil]:album of al of alba
[michael_c_svensson] 00:46:37
[michael_c_svensson] 00:46:39
all right
[phil]:and they released their cover of s
[michael_c_svensson] 00:46:44
[phil]:and well i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:46:48
[phil]:don't want to say it was poorly done but it's actually one of my least
[phil]:favorite alba songs if i'm being honest and this was just it i find
[michael_c_svensson] 00:46:58
[phil]:that song kind of annoying and they took that annoying to eleven so um yeah
[phil]:it's i don't know i don't know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:09
[phil]:it's it's i mean i'll let i'll let the
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:13
[phil]:everybody out there be the judge for they're on their own on that but
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:17
[phil]:i don't know man i don't know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:20
so so the news we have for for
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:23
this week is only
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:24
sad news what
[phil]:it is said
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:29
[phil]:but you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:29
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:30
[phil]:at least they're bringing alba to the forefront though i guess
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:33
[phil]:we can
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:33
[phil]:look at it that way we
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:34
[phil]:can look at it that way
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:36
[phil]:so yeah yeah that's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:39
[phil]:that's i don't know if you saw that being you know because
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:43
[phil]:abbas in your blood is a swede you're born with alba
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:46
oh yeah
[phil]:in your blood so
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:47
oh yeah
[phil]:you don't have a
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:48
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:49
[phil]:so they know if
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:50
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:50
and you're close on you're closer to to but then then
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:53
then many americans because
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:55
you you in the regenisheffor for
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:57
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:58
out loud the
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:58
guitar player on
[michael_c_svensson] 00:47:59
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:00
over the album
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:01
he's been on the show so check him out for
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:04
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:04
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:04
[phil]:it out man
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:05
oh yeah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:07
well listen we have some music we have some
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:10
music for this show
[phil]:we do
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:13
this is an
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:17
this is ben from
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:19
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:20
in italy
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:22
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:22
an italian band italian
[phil]:a riot
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:25
[phil]:there we go
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:27
yeah they called the wild it's h and this is because
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:32
of my other band called dad anarchy were moving in
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:39
the direction of punk rock land it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:44
oh i don't know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:48
it's a different scene it's more of of funk
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:53
it let's let's do it ourselves we don't we don't care
[michael_c_svensson] 00:48:59
we don't care about
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:02
fade or
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:03
we don't care about record companies we don't care about anything if you want to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:09
so been doing this with that arak
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:12
and just sending our songs to different
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:16
radio stations data nor r into park rock and we're not where call ourselves can
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:22
roll so
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:24
in between pank rock music and wrong
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:26
role but it's this scene is so big and it's so underground un just in
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:34
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:35
minute of it because there's no fad there's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:37
no nothing it's just
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:39
straight up and
[phil]:m yeah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:42
well fuck you up
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:43
if you don't listen to us and and we
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:46
don't care about anything so and the wild throats i get to know
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:53
on instagram following them because i've heard a snip it off their music and i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:49:59
oh this is really cool so i contacted them and then
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:04
they were nice enough to send send us some some stuff and they describe her
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:10
songs and or the music
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:12
a sixty garage punk
[phil]:yes yeah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:15
the sonic and whalers and studious m c five new york stalls and so far
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:21
old school punk like the dead boys
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:23
romans and the dictators
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:26
and they've been around since two thousand and nineteen right before the pandemic hit
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:32
on they they have recorded fifteen songs that they're
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:36
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:36
and releasing during
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:39
next year two thousand and twenty three
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:42
so really great
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:44
band the while throats you should
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:46
check them out and we're going to play a song right now and this a
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:52
song called this fucking life
[michael_c_svensson] 00:50:55
there we go the wild throats
[phil]:m that's what it's all about right there
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:01
you see
[phil]:it's what it's all
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:02
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:04
kicking ass and taking names
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:06
[phil]:i mean
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:07
[phil]:that's that that is old school that just takes you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:09
it is
[phil]:that takes you right back
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:11
yeah i
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:12
think this singer sounds a bit like egg
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:16
pop meeting
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:18
david boy
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:20
meeting lennard coan
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:23
and it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:24
all over the place i think it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:26
it's great because
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:27
it's got that old school sound to it and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:31
it's it's this is what you do when when when you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:36
you have like people that play their instruments
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:39
for real doing it
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:41
the way it's supposed to be
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:43
so i mean
[phil]:now are you seeing a resurgent in punk i mean i never really was that
[phil]:much into the punk scene but you've kind of gotten me into it more lately
[phil]:so there seemed to be more punk bands coming out these days or
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:57
[phil]:has it always been there and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:59
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:59
[phil]:just has passed
[michael_c_svensson] 00:51:59
[phil]:me by
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:01
yeah i think there is a lot of bands that that are coming but there
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:05
is a lot of band that had
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:07
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:08
for for quite some time we had the undertakers last week and they've been around
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:14
for like forever and i've totally missed them
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:18
but because i wasn't in in the punkrockscene
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:22
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:23
always have
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:24
had friends it's that we're in that scene
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:28
but when we got together
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:31
it was sort of like a mix between metal and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:34
punk rock and we know and another if you know what i mean we understand
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:39
one another and we respect one another but for me to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:43
get in to that scene
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:46
with my own music being a part of it hey
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:51
this is us doing the thing
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:55
with like punk rock
[michael_c_svensson] 00:52:59
is this okay and people are going
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:01
fuck yeah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:03
it sounds great it sort of like this and that ye were we're sort of
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:08
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:09
a couple of
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:11
of us are like more metal and not that much punk rock but oh yeah
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:17
come on man the door is open man come in i mean
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:24
it's great it's it's a
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:26
community it is open it's a community that that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:31
take care of one another
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:34
i mean we've been able to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:37
do to get on like play lists
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:40
which is like the hardest
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:42
thing ever for a band
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:45
to be able to get on a play list
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:48
and be regular little played and in the ponkruck scene we managed to get on
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:54
like fifteen or sixteen
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:56
play lists just because i've contacted
[michael_c_svensson] 00:53:59
people and say hey what's going on
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:01
this is us
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:03
we're really digging what you do with with your
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:05
radio show we're
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:07
digging what you're doing with your magazine we've been around for
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:11
like for or a musician but we're doing this project
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:15
right now called dad arnica in it's punk rock music would you be able to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:20
listen to it
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:21
and people again o fuck me this is great
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:25
where are you from where
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:26
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:26
sweden and so forth and they're real friendly
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:30
and asking a lot of questions and that's rarely what you see in the metal
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:37
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:37
these days that's what
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:39
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:40
going on in the late eighties and early nineties
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:44
when when i was in my twenties
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:46
there was a lot of stuff like that you could
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:49
talk to people and and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:51
ha tape tape trading
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:53
and so forth you
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:54
send copies of tapes with different bands on
[michael_c_svensson] 00:54:58
them and you you share them with your friends none of that exists today
[phil]:so punk
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:04
so it's
[phil]:is going to save music is that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:06
[phil]:that's what you're saying
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:08
h i believe so i'm not
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:10
an expert at all
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:13
in this area but it's
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:15
an open community it's a great community to be a part of
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:19
and there
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:21
very willing to open up to people
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:24
like me and say hey welcome
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:28
since you're doing this stuff that you do with that anarchy come on in and
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:32
and and share the stuff
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:34
with us and and will help you out as as much as we can
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:38
and and i'm helping out with it people that i meet like the wild
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:43
throats and the undertakers because
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:46
we've got the sounds of final podcast
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:49
it's only fair that i share this music with with the world since those bands
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:56
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:56
people are so nice to
[michael_c_svensson] 00:55:57
to me and and the members of that anarchy so
[michael_c_svensson] 00:56:01
it's only fair
[phil]:there you go
[michael_c_svensson] 00:56:04
[michael_c_svensson] 00:56:04
[michael_c_svensson] 00:56:04
[michael_c_svensson] 00:56:05
[phil]:that's great way to end the show this is the last show of the season
[michael_c_svensson] 00:56:13
[phil]:the year we will come back on january sixth
[michael_c_svensson] 00:56:16
[phil]:with brand new episodes but have no fear because we're going to be doing something
[phil]:kind of cool um if you're not watching this on tube we've been releasing all
[phil]:the arts like from what season six or even before that on on video and
[phil]:i'm going to be converting some
[michael_c_svensson] 00:56:34
[phil]:of our favorite episodes into video
[michael_c_svensson] 00:56:37
[phil]:releasing them re releasing releasing
[michael_c_svensson] 00:56:40
[phil]:on on video so you guys
[michael_c_svensson] 00:56:42
[phil]:can experience that in a different way so if you're only watching this
[michael_c_svensson] 00:56:46
[phil]:on youtube we're gonna start leasing more episodes and we're going to start with one
[phil]:of our favorites but it's also a fan favorite it's our most
[michael_c_svensson] 00:56:57
[phil]:listened to episode ever that is metalico's the black album you've
[michael_c_svensson] 00:57:03
[phil]:heard us talk about it you've heard us referred
[michael_c_svensson] 00:57:06
[michael_c_svensson] 00:57:06
[phil]:this infamous episode before and that's the next one so that will be coming out
[phil]:next thursday uh for ye so right before christmas if i think if no this
[phil]:one's one before christmas after christmas i don't know it's coming out next thursday it's
[phil]:going to be fun and we're going to continue keep releasing these new episodes even
[phil]:after we come back until we get all our past shows and we have a
[phil]:lot of them there's about seventy five that we can re release here on youtubes
[phil]:it's going to take a
[michael_c_svensson] 00:57:38
[phil]:while to get through that but we'll be slowly releasing some of our favorites we're
[phil]:not going to go in order because that's boring and we're going to do it
[phil]:the punk way and we're going to say fuck we're goin a do it our
[phil]:way and so it'll be and so look forward to that and with that
[michael_c_svensson] 00:57:53
[michael_c_svensson] 00:57:53
[phil]:last words before we vail
[michael_c_svensson] 00:57:56
no rock and roll i don't know
[phil]:rock rock and roll all right well you guys
[michael_c_svensson] 00:58:01
[phil]:have a good holiday out there and we will see you in twenty twenty three